Friday, July 3, 2015

Weird Wildlife

It wouldn't be India if all of the animals we encountered were cute and cuddly.

While visiting an egret rookery, amongst all the herons and cormorants flying around, we noticed one bird that didn't quite make sense. It was the size of an egret, but the shape of...

Yes! It was a huge bat. After some checking, we were shown their roost:
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These bats are so large, they are not even called "bats". They are called "flying foxes".
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They are the largest species of bats in the world.
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Despite their size, they are not predatory. They are fruit bats.
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What thoughts come to mind when you see this picture?
We saw this monkey grab a bottle of Sprite from a tourist. Now it has to figure out how to drink from it.

Instead of turning it upside down and pouring the soda out, it starts in the middle...

... and carefully bites out a circle of plastic right from the bottle. (I don't want to think how sharp its teeth must be!)

I can't decide whether it's very smart or... not very smart.

We saw several of these along the route. This one was making low chanting noises not too far from the Sprite monkey.


Is it a dog-sized squirrel...

... or a squirrel-shaped dog?

Finally, some relief! Cute and cuddly at last:



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