My impression of urban India in the few days that I've been there is first and foremost of roads:
It's a nation of motorcycles, which go by a very descriptive name of "two-wheelers".
It's amazing how many street regulations can be replaced by just sounding the horn! There are reminders on the backs of most trucks and buses:
This rule seems to be the only one being followed. Need to make a turn? Forget blinkers, just sound horn. Need to pass a car on a narrow road? Sound horn. Need to make a u-turn on a highway because Oleg saw a bird on the other side (it happened)? Sound horn!
Yes, there are cows on the streets:
And they do have the right of way!
Everyone customizes their conveyance:
The name of this bus is well suited to an IT conference. With a name like this, the driver should have become a Unix admin.
Ubiquitous taxi car:
And another variation of it, made into trucks:
This is the Tata Nano, an attempt at the cheapest real car for the masses.
Quick commute...
I like the color combination on this one:
The road rules are famously free-wheeling. This looked like a one-way street until...
... the blue car pushed its way in and made it a two-way street.
But, wait there is more:
Now it's a three-way street! (Btw, don't forget to sound horn!)
In general, situations like the ones below become very familiar:
Ferry service in Cochin. The right side is packed full of two-wheelers. The bird on the top right is a Brahminy Kite.
This is just funny. I wonder who the third guy is...
Sunrise in Chennai.