Looking right, there is a Russian church of Mary Magdalene, and yet another cemetery in the distance.

The cemetery on Mount of Olives has been in continuous use for more than 3000 years, and the burials continue there to the present.

The Church of Mary Magdalene was built in 1886 by a Russian Tsar. Thus the onion domes.

Dome of the Rock in the distance.

A closer view of the Jewish cemetery on the southern slope.

The cemetery in front of the eastern wall is Catholic.

Another view of the Dome of the Rock.

The street between the church and the cemetery. Believe it or not, it is a two-way street - despite the fact that two cars actually don't fit side by side on it.

An actual olive garden on the Mount of Olives. This one is in the side yard of the Church of Gethsemane.

The olives in this orchard are ancient - some more than 900 years old. They have witnessed the Crusaders.

Finally, a couple of other typical sights on the Mount: