We did get there that early, and were rewarded with four different owls (of two different types). First, a Barred Owl:
Then, a Great Horned Owl:
Then another Great Horned Owl, although in all honesty, it might have been the same one that just relocated:
In a different spot, we came across another Barred Owl. It was fairly late in the morning already, so it was trying to sleep:
Afterwards, while walking back across the parking lot to the car, a peregrine falcon did a fly-by:
While in the park, we saw a gull do a sudden deep dive, and come up with something large in its bill. When we managed to get a good look, we saw that it was a starfish! The gull played around with it for a while, and then swallowed it in one big gulp.
A few other good shots from that day: