Everyone was prepared... almost.

The weather in Kansas City was going to be iffy, so we drove into the middle of Missouri to a town called Boonville. (The town is much prettier than its water tower!)

Boonville stands alongside the Missouri river:

The first glimpse of the eclipse! There was still a thin layer of clouds in the sky:

The clouds threatened to actually get worse:

They started obscuring the eclipse:

No matter how much of the sun was obscured, if you looked at it without a filter, it just looked full:

Some of the people who watching the eclipse with us:

These three ladies had no camera...

...But this one lady had three cameras:

A lot of the staff from the nearby casino came out to the parking lot to look at the eclipse with us:

Getting close! The clouds were still there, but thinning out.

Many people stopped by to look at our camera screen. It was much better than looking through those disposable eclipse glasses.

Some folks had tried to use the glasses as the filter for their iPhone cameras! It doesn't work - I am speaking from experience.


You can actually see solar flares on the right side of the disk. The irregularities in the disk are due to solar light shining through the valleys between the Moon's mountains and craters.

Everyone was taking pictures!

The eclipse is ending - the first look at the Sun on the other side:

Last pictures of the eclipse:

After the eclipse - time to go birding in Missouri!