Thousands of smaller shorebirds, like these Semipalmated Sandpipers, stop by as well:

Snowy Egrets are nesting residents there:

At one point as we watching the avocets, all of them raised their heads and looked in one direction, away from us:

And here was the reason - look right above the avocets on the right. It's a Peregrine Falcon. The picture is a bit blurry, but you can still see the face pattern:

The peregrine didn't get an avocet, but it did get a sandpiper:

Another hunter, another success: Great Egret getting hi fish:

Least Sandpiper, the smallest of them all:

Other pleasures of summer:

More than just birds and butterflies was flying over Bombay Hook that day:

Salem Nuclear Plant, visible from Bombay Hook. It's actually on the NJ side of the bay, but visible from miles around.

In other news, in Bayonne Bay last summer, a juvenile gull found its lunch:

Bay house sparrows on a New York street:

And the father showed up with some food: