A Horned Puffin in a middle of a colony:

The puffins are almost too fat to fly. They need a long runway to get aloft. According to our captain, sometimes when they eat too much, they have stay around in the water until they are light enough to fly again.

This one made it to the air - eventually.

Not all colonies are for birds only.

Black-legged Kittiwake colony:

A Common Merganser with her brood:

White-winged Crossbill. Its billed is indeed crossed - to better extract pine seeds from the conifers:

A Gray Jay is spoiled for choice for its lunch:

Yellow-rumped Warbler:

Steller's Jay:

Northwestern Crow - a fatter and rasper version of the common American Crow we get everywhere else:

Mew Gulls make their nests on a dry portion of a braided river in Denali:

More Alaskan goodness: