You can't be in Alaska and not see a moose:

This is an Arctic Ground Squirrel. A common sight in Denali, it has a caloric value equivalent to that of a large cheese pizza. Hence, it is a favorite of grizzly bears :)

Once in a while, it emits a super-loud beep:

Here comes another beep... wait for it...

... wait for it...


Dallas Sheep. They were originally the reason the Denali park was formed - to preserve their habitat.

What time do you think this picture was taken? Hint: it's 3 degrees below the Arctic Circle, and it's a few days before the summer solstice...

Answer: it's 11pm in this picture. Check out the sunlight still on the mountains behind the pines!
One of the tan tour buses in the park. (Mount Denali in the background.)

The green buses are shuttles, ferrying people along the single unpaved road in the park:

Eielson Visitor Center - mile 66 on the Denali park road.

Mount Denali has three glaciers - two on the left (one right above the other), and one in the center:

Polychrome Range:

The best for the last - Mount Denali close-up: