Friday, February 26, 2016

Reptile Haven

Tarcoles River crocodiles:






Iguanas were everywhere. This one was on the path in front of our car:

Check out that iris:

This is a male basilisk lizard. It has powerful hind legs, which it uses to stand up and cross streams and small rivers. I've seen one of them cross a stream in Carara Park, but it did so too quickly to take a picture. This one below was on a side of the Tarcoles River.

Common sight on the trails in Costa Rica - and old army ant trail:

Wasp nest near Monteverde Park:

Monteverde Park:

This wild boar crossed the trail in front of us in Carara Park. I only had time to snap this one picture:

One of the monster trees in Carara National Park:

And this is how they begin. It's a strangling ficus. It grows around a smaller but sturdy tree, and covers it with roots until it slowly dies. But by that time, the ficus is grown enough to support itself.

The tree inside is a wild cashew.

More views from Carara National Park:





Saturday, February 20, 2016

Costa Rica colors

Black-Mandibled Toucan:




Scarlet Macaws:




White-Fronted Parrot:
_MG_4685 White-Fronted Parrot

Emerald Toucanet:

Orange-Chinned Parakeets:
_MG_6761 Orange-Chinned Parakeet

Gartered Trogon:
_MG_6648 Gartered Trogon female

Green Heron:

Keel-billed Toucan (shot taken during the night jungle tour, when the guide pointed a couple of these toucans sleeping in a tree):

Red-Lored Parrot:
_MG_4016 Red-Lored Parrot

More toucans:



Monday, February 15, 2016

Costa Rica exotics

This is the bird that everyone comes to Costa Rica to see - just the name of it is impossible to resist. Behold the Resplendent Quetzal:


Blue-Crowned Motmot:

Rufous-Tailed Jacamar:
_MG_4061 Rufous-Tailed Jacamar

White-Whiskered Puffbird:
_MG_3975 White-Whiskered Puffbird

Bare-Throated Tiger Heron:

Another Bare-Throated Tiger Heron - this one juvenile:

This weirdly colored bird (with rare bi-colored bill) is a Montezuma Oropendola:
_MG_4575 Montezuma Oropendola

Black-Crowned Tityra:

Rufous-Naped Wren:
_MG_4823 Rufous-Naped Wren

Squirrel Cuckoo:
_MG_1244 Squirrel Cuckoo

Pale-Billed Woodpecker:



Yellow-Crowned Night Heron:

Great-Tailed Grackle:

A pair of Orange-Chinned Parakeets investing what the Golden-Naped Woodpecker is doing to their nest cavity:

Close-up of the Golden-Naped Woodpecker:
_MG_7678 Golden-Naped Woodpecker

Gray Hawk:

Inca Dove:
_MG_4377 Inca Dove

The exotic thing in this picture is not the Osprey...