In Yellowstone, big game usually means bison. There are thousands of them in the park, but this we didn't see almost any until one day we got to Lamar Valley. And then we saw them all (seemingly) in one place!
A set of them was walking across the road and trying to cross:
In another place of the valley, the bison were mixing with the pronghorn antelopes. (This kind of picture is something you usually see coming from Africa, not the US!)
More pronghorns were also close by in the Lamar Valley:
You can feel how massive the bison are - aren't you just a little afraid for the car in this picture?
In a close-up, they seem placid, but apparently once in a while they do gore some visitors.
Once in a while, you come across some disembodied horns in the grass. How big do you think the elk bull has to be to support them?
The elk is the second-most numerous big game animal at Yellowstone, and unlike the bison, we saw them all over the place:
And then there was this panda browsing on the riverbank. Oh, wait...