Brahminy Kite - a large eagle flying over the rice fields and pastures (someone said it's just like a Bald Eagle, but balder):
Cattle Egret - very common all around the world, even in US, but posing next to a distinctly Southeast-Asian-colored cattle here:
Little Egret - close cousin of the North America's Snowy Egret:
These evil-looking birds are Asian Glossy Starlings. The one with the striped breast and belly - and that seems most intent on causing some harm - is actually an immature:
Yellow-Vented Bulbuls - hardy soulds that are very common all over, even reportedly in Manila, although I haven't seen them there:
White-Breasted Woodswallow:
Long-Tailed Shrike:
Pied Bushchat:
And of course, I have to show the Euroasian Tree Sparrow here, which seems to be the only bird hardy enough to survive even in the concrete sea of Manila: